Data storage: Backupned’s expertise for several decades
Since 1995, Backupned focuses on secure storage of data on tapes in a heavily secured bunker. Whereas at the time the storage tape served a crucial backup medium, it is now becoming increasingly important again as a medium for securing data outside of the cloud and for Long Term Archiving.
‘Due to the cloud the world is now fully interconnected, including all subsequent consequences and dangers.’
The dangers of the cloud
Peter Benedick talks about the dangers of the cloud in the RTV Arnhem interview. ‘With the introduction of the cloud, all data is now accessible worldwide. Although cloud environments are carefully managed by large providers, this environment remains accessible online, with all sorts of consequences and dangers.’ The fear of espionage is also increasing. These dangers have particular consequences for business information.
‘Offline data storage on tape is inexpensive and highly secure’
Secure offline storage thanks to data traffic on tape
Proper and secure data management requires careful data classification. This classification is based on confidentiality, availability, integrity and continuity (disaster recovery).
The final outcome is a storage policy that manages and preserves data carefully. Both from a cost (long-term security of static data) and security perspective (cybercrime and disaster recovery), data tapes have proven to an excellent solution. Moreover, in recent years we have seen a significant growth in the use of this reliable and technically-advanced medium.
Backupned has secured its business processes through ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 and therefore provides great assurance for sustainable, long-term data storage.