- Fast and accurate delivery of tapes from our off-site storage tape media vault.
- Because we can deliver reports and statistics conveniently and quickly, you can consult them at any time.
- You always have a list of all the tape cartridges in our off-site storage wherever you are in the world, even in places with a considerable time difference.
- You receive a precise and clear report showing all the activities which have been carried out.
- We have an automatic process for retrieving scratch tapes, by means of a link to the scan app in your library software. The link works for all library software.
Your air gapped backup are stored in our modern, underground bunker to ensure secure off-site storage. It is highly protected, well away from disasters. As such, we can guarantee the protection of your tape backup. Storage is not the only thing that is important. Transport of LTO 9 tapes is at least as important. In addition, we can also arrange for the recovery of your data. We’re happy to help!
Secure data transport at all times
Our staff is intensively and extensively screened. This gives you and us confidence that the transport is always carried out by competent people. And our Tape Tracer app enables you to track your data at all times while it is being transported. Transport is always done by our own staff. The focus of the entire process is on guaranteeing quality and reliability.
Management and recovery of off-site storage
An enormous number of tapedrives are stored in our bunker for off-site storage and backup. They are stored neatly in rows and each tape has a unique barcode. As such, we can always find the right tapes quickly and effortlessly. We can get to you within t
three hours to deliver the tapes you need at that moment.
It is important to be explicit about which tapes may be looked at and accessed by whom. Think about how long the data has to be stored too, and when you will need it again in a possible recovery situation. We document the answers to questions like these in a well-defined recovery plan. Research has shown that only 19% of companies have such a plan, even though it contains crucial information.
What is the difference between off-site tape storage, onsite data storage and online backup?
Generally speaking, there are three types of backups. The first is off-site storage. In our case, the data is on tapes in a different geographical location. The second type is onsite backup. Here, your data is kept at your organisation’s physical location. It will be no surprise to learn that this is not the most secure means of data storage. What if your premises are burgled: the data is then very accessible for hackers. The last type is online backup. Here, data is sent over the internet to a specially designed data centre. This type of backup is also known as cloud backup or cloud storage.
Backupned’s approach ensures that you always benefit from a customised process. You come to us with your questions about off-site storage of your data. Our specialists examine the options and choose the most appropriate one for your situation, taking your wishes into account. We also consider whether there is a Management Information System or audit which could make measures compulsory.
After examining the situation and your needs, we will come up with a provisional customised estimate. If you are in agreement, we draw up a definitive analysis with a summary of what has to be stored. It contains answers to questions such as which tape medium will be used and how many of this type of medium we need to store. The estimate is then adjusted accordingly. The agreement contains a description of the procedure in which you can find all the corresponding processes.
Examples of processes include the authorisation process: which employees are authorised? Others might be the volumes to be transported, which actions are done where, which security level we apply, and which means of transport we will use.
Once everything is clearly set out on paper and agreed, our skilled workers start to organise the service. This includes a planning schedule, security, and routes for the means of transport. After that, we agree a start date for testing the whole procedure. We will only start the official process if the procedure passes the test. To ensure that you are completely satisfied, we always schedule an evaluation after the first two month.
Below are the six main reasons for using off-site storage.
1. Safety in the event of physical disasters
Physical disasters are the main reason for using off-site storage. Your offices could be flooded, or a fire could break out. Even a ‘simple’ power outage could cause your disks to fail. Our underground bunker ensures that physical disasters cannot damage your data.
2. You always have a copy should security be breached
Your security in the office could be breached. By choosing Backupned’s off-site storage, you know that important information will never be permanently lost.
3. Peace of mind
No worries when you have an extra copy of important data.
4. Space saving
There is always limited physical space in your office. Our underground nuclear bunker consistently has enough space to store your data. You can therefore use the space in your office for what it was intended.
5. Scalability
As mentioned above, we have enough room for all your data. What’s more, you can expand your data at any time. The space in our bunker is enormous, so there is always space for your growing data.
6. A backup whenever you need one
You are currently probably supposed to make a regular backup. Our full-service offering means you no longer have to worry about making backups. Our intensively screened staff will deal with this with care, so that you don’t have to think about it.
Feel free to contact us
Any questions? No problem! Feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to discuss the options for your company and your situation. Contact us with no further obligation. You can call us on +31 (0)26 334 2020.