
You have come to the right place if you want an off-site backup copy of your business-critical information. We specialise in safeguarding your information at the most secure location in the Netherlands.

Your business data is not only safe from disasters, such as break-ins, fire and flood in our modernised underground bunker, but also from hackers, since we are completely offline. Because there is literally ‘air’ and a ‘gap’ between your data and the backup, it is also known as air gapped backup. Should something happen at your site, we can be with you with three hours. This gives you the assurance that you can be up and running again quickly.

Offline, offsite data vault - BackupNed (4)

Advantages of offsite tape backup

  • Flawless, fast delivery of LTO 9 media tapes from our media vault
  • Listings and statistics can be inspected/delivered quickly and efficiently
  • A list of all your tapedrives in storage anytime, anywhere in the world (irrespective of time differences)
  • A precise record of all the actions carried out in the past
  • An automated process for retrieving scratch tapes on a daily/weekly basis; scan application linked to your library software

Get in touch

We would love to talk to you about the options for purchasing and organising the tape storage process for your company. Contact us with no further obligation by phoning +31 (0)26 334 2020.

Our services

For dataprotection


The convenience of online data transport, combined with the safety, security and reliability of tape storage.

Tape en/of disk - Offline, offsite data vault


Safe and secure tape storage, available 24 hours a day, inaccessible to anyone else.